10 Jan 4 techniques for buttock augmentation
Buttock augmentation can be resolved with a gluteoplasty, a procedure that restores contour and shape to the buttock area. This is one of the areas with more fixation by many women who want to have a slender figure and full of beautiful curves. If we research on social networks we will find plenty of exercises and routines to model the buttocks, increasing or hardening them. In recent years, there has been a proliferation of influencer profiles dedicated to giving us advice on how to achieve a better figure.
Plastic surgery can also help you achieve buttock augmentation, thanks to gluteoplasty. A simple procedure with a quick recovery.
Índice de contenidos
What are the reasons for gluteoplasty or buttock augmentation?
Plastic surgery serves different purposes.
On the one hand, some people use it to achieve an image closer to the current canons of beauty. On the other hand, there are people who wish to have a buttock augmentation because they suffer from some deformity, sagging or irregularity. Other people, on the other hand, find this part of the body poorly defined or toned. There are also other cases of people who for health reasons have had to lose large amounts of weight and present the buttocks area with straight lines and without the typical curves of this area or excess skin.
Gluteoplasty or buttock augmentation can be performed by different techniques, alternately or combining several. Here are the main ones we use in our practice in Valencia.
4 techniques to get the buttock augmentation you want:
1. Buttock augmentation with your own fat.
This procedure is indicated for patients who have an accumulation of fat that they wish to eliminate (for example, abdomen, flanks, hips, etc.). This excess fat is extracted and processed and then grafted to the gluteal area to give it shape, firmness and improve its contour. This procedure is simple, with predictable results, minimal incisions and scarring (1-2 mm), and low risk of complications. In this procedure, two areas are treated: the donor area, from where we extract fat; and the recipient area, in this case the gluteal area, where we graft it. Therefore, it would be at the same time a “liposculpture”. The fat, once it attaches to the recipient area (the buttocks) remains for life.
2. Buttock augmentation with prosthesis.
It is the procedure indicated for patients who wish to increase the volume of the buttocks, define their shape, give them smoothness or projection. Because they are thin, their adipose tissue is insufficient for fat buttock augmentation. The prostheses are placed inside the gluteus maximus muscle through two small incisions hidden in the internal gluteal area, therefore they are completely hidden. It will be necessary in this case to periodically review the prosthesis with your plastic surgeon.
3. Combination of the two previous procedures.
For patients who need or desire moderate to large augmentation, and who have a limited amount of adipose tissue donor area.
4. Gluteoplasty with flaps.
This surgery uses only the patient’s own tissue and is especially indicated for patients with excess skin and tissue in that area after major weight loss. It consists of removing the excess skin and remodeling the internal tissues (subcutaneous cellular tissue, fat, etc.), giving them a new shape and support to return a harmonious contour to the area (both in terms of shape and projection, smoothness, etc.).
How long does gluteoplasty or buttock augmentation last?
The duration of this surgery varies from one and a half to three hours, depending on the technique(s) used.
The procedure must be performed under general anesthesia and the patient is usually hospitalized for 12 to 24 hours. Drains must be worn for at least 5 days, and after a week the stitches can be removed.
Recovery and return to normal activity takes 10-14 days, and sports activity can be resumed after 3-4 weeks.
Contact me for more information.