Abdominoplasty after gastric bypass, the case of Úrsula

Abdominoplasty after gastric bypass, the case of Úrsula

I would like to tell you about Ursula, one of the successful cases of breast reduction and abdominoplasty after gastric bypass. Ursula was morbidly obese and as a result of a gastric bypass she lost many kilos (about 50 kg), so she had a large excess of excess skin in her abdomen and breasts that caused insecurities in her personal and intimate life. Ursula decided to contact Dra. Eloísa Villaverde for a breast reduction and abdominoplasty.

We have interviewed him to tell us about his experience. Today she is a very happy and satisfied with her image and our team is very pleased with the results.

Interview with Úrsula: real case of breast reduction and abdominoplasty after gastric bypass.

1. Why did you decide to undergo a breast reduction and abdominoplasty?

After having a gastric bypass and having lost a lot of weight, I was left with a lot of excess skin that made me feel bad about myself, as well as insecure in intimate relationships. I first underwent breast reduction and then abdominoplasty.

2. When you talked about it with your environment, what was their reaction? Did you feel supported?

Yes, fully supported by both my husband and my family, they have always been by my side supporting every decision I have made when going through surgery. They are my unconditional support, and thanks to them and their presence in those moments by my side, I am doing great today.

I thank you once and a thousand times for always being there, it is very important to feel supported by your loved ones in those circumstances.

Has abdominoplasty after gastric bypass changed your life?

Yes, very much so, you feel much better about yourself, you look at yourself in the mirror and you look better. You see that the clothes fit you well and that makes your self-esteem go up and you are happy.

4. Did you search the internet for opinions of other cases and doctors who performed the procedure?

Yes, nowadays the Internet is a showcase of testimonials, offers, cases and it is inevitable not to do so to see what you are exposed to when you undergo any type of surgery.

5. Were you previously familiar with Dr. Villaverde’s work?

Yes, I knew Dr. Villaverde’s work because she is a friend of my cousin, she told me about her work and professional career and recommended her to me without any doubt.

6. What were your feelings during the whole process?

The truth is that I am a very determined and positive person and I try to take all the good out of things. I don’t think about the bad that might happen, but I think you get suggestible and attract the negative thoughts. Thinking like this is not helpful in such circumstances.

Besides, I was very sure about the decision because the surgical team that was going to operate on me is one of the best we have in Valencia.

7. What would you say to other morbidly obese people who are thinking about taking care of their situation?

That they undoubtedly think about and invest in themselves and their health, which is the most important thing we have. Making the decision to undergo such a change process changes your life 360 degrees for the better, in every way.

8. Would you recommend breast reduction and abdominoplasty? Why?

Yes, both interventions. And if you are in good hands and the results are phenomenal as in my case, I would never hesitate to recommend anyone to put themselves in the hands of Dr. Villaverde and her team.

abdominoplasty after

What recommendations should you take into account if you are going to undergo abdominoplasty after gastric bypass?

  1. Discontinue smoking 2-3 weeks prior to surgery.
  2. Do not smoke during the first postoperative weeks, since smoking can alter the healing process.
  3. Hospital admission usually lasts about 24 hours.
  4. During the postoperative period, use pressotherapy garments (girdle or body) to reduce the edema caused by the operation. It will also improve and accelerate healing and recovery.
  5. You will return to normal activity after 7-14 days.

Each case is different and not all stories are the same, not all people need the same treatments or surgeries. Always contact your trusted plastic surgeon so that he/she can guide you in what you need with total safety for your health and physical integrity.

If you would like more information about the services of our clinic, Dra. Villaverde, or if you have any questions, please contact us. The first consultation is free of charge.