Today, obesity is an epidemic in our industrialized societies. It is a disease that causes different problems at the level of different body systems and organs, and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, sleep apnea, myocardial infarction, joint problems, etc.
It is therefore important to treat this disease with different methods: nutritional interventions and diets, exercise, treating diseases that may be behind this obesity (e.g. hyperthyroidism), and in cases where indicated, surgery. There are different surgical options to achieve massive weight loss, depending on the patient’s characteristics. However, the patient must be able to follow the dietary and postoperative care instructions prescribed by the surgeon.
Once the patient is stable at his new weight, new problems may appear: that patient who weighed more than 100 kilograms and has remained at 70 kg, is very happy, much more agile, and has also stopped taking medication for hypertension and diabetes, which have disappeared as his weight has normalized. However, her body is not in tune with her healthier “new self.” She has folds and flaps all over her body, on her abdomen, legs, arms, breasts, etc. that besides being unsightly, often bother her daily life: to exercise, to walk, to work… The folds often rub and scald, or are colonized by fungi in times of humidity and heat, causing infections in the folds and discomfort… On the other hand, patients do not manage to “look good” with this burden.
For all these reasons, these patients, who often manage after long and painful treatments to achieve a normal weight, then have to face these folds or flaps. The only way to eliminate them and forget about the problems they cause is through surgery, and there are different procedures included in body contouring surgery, depending on the area we want to treat.
This surgery aims to remove excess skin and fat, tighten the tissues and restore the natural contours of the body, especially the buttocks. Its peculiarity is that it is a circumferential surgery, that is to say, it tries to eliminate skin and adiposity in excess of the anterior and posterior part of the lower back, abdomen, and reposition the gluteal area.
Normally the buttocks are reconstructed with the patient’s own adipose flaps, elevating the gluteal area and performing strong sutures.
Other similar and/or related procedures are belt lipectomy or lipectomy of the belt area, and chest contouring surgeries.
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