Also known as a mini abdominal lipectomy, or
mini tummy tuck
is a procedure designed to remove fat and excess skin in the lower abdomen and pubic area. The result is a firm, smooth abdomen without excess fat or skin, with a functional, strong and consistent musculature.
The scar is not usually a problem since it is considerably smaller than in a conventional abdominoplasty, and it is not necessary to make a scar in the navel. Many times the same scar from a previous cesarean section can be used.
This procedure improves different aspects of the abdomen:
Patients who are good candidates for this type of surgery are patients with mild and moderate excess fat and skin laxity, since, in cases of great excess or flaccidity, or existence of flaps, we will have to consider other types of surgeries such as abdominoplasties, in its different modalities.
It is very typical for patients to request this type of surgery after pregnancy, or for males after significant weight changes.
Another factor that will be taken into account at the time of indicating or not this surgery, is the position of the navel, which is located in an elevated position usually facilitates or improves the final result.
In postpartum women, there is a type of patient who is thin, with little fat and little excess skin, but who has a bulging and bulging abdomen, the result of the dreaded diastasis recti. They are usually patients concerned not only about the aesthetic issue (it seems that they have a second trimester pregnancy, because they have an abdominal bulging), on the other hand they may feel intestinal discomfort such as gas, difficulty digesting, swelling of the abdomen after meals, or back pain due to lack of functionality of the abdominal musculature.
This surgery can solve these functional problems both digestive and muscular stability, and on the other hand improve aesthetics, restore firmness to the abdomen, remove all remaining fat and define curves, waist, etc.. The abdominal contour will always be reduced after this surgery because of the different procedures we perform in it.
If you are interested in this type of intervention do not hesitate to contact us, in the first consultation we will advise you on what is best for your specific case.
Ask for an appointment without obligation.