The specialty of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery is the surgical specialty that deals with the correction and/or improvement of abnormalities of congenital, acquired, traumatic, tumor or involutive origin that require repair of body shape and function.
It is one of the most demanding specialties in medicine, since it requires a deep anatomical knowledge of the entire human body, as well as its functioning, for the satisfactory and guaranteed performance of reconstructions and repairs.
Experience and surgical skill are also essential in this specialty.
Plastic and aesthetic surgery: degree in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, training in the Major Burns Unit, as well as in the Children's Plastic Surgery Service and in the Plastic Surgery and Microsurgery Service.
More than 10 years of experience
- Studies of Medicine and Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of Valencia - Training stays in foreign centers such as the ULB Hospital (Université Libre de Bruxe- lles), in Brussels- Belgium, and the Hôpital Necker des Enfants Malades (Paris- France). - MIR Academy (Oviedo-Spain), he obtained the 26th place among more than 12,000 applicants, which gave him access to the training position in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe in Valencia.
- Researcher with the publication of articles in the most relevant scientific journals in our specialty at national and international level such as "Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" and "Cirugía Plástica Iberolatinoamericana" - Active participation in courses and congresses of the specialty, and has received several awards and prizes.
- 1st call for the Recognition of the Surgical Treatment of the Great Burn - Ibero-Latin American Plastic Surgery Journal - FILACP (Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery) to the best article on Burns. - Residents Award sponsored by Mentor, 51st Congress - End of Residency Award: Best Doctoral Thesis completed during the residency. - 3rd prize End of Residency, Hospital La Fe de Valencia.
Clínica Moltó (Calle Colón no9, Valencia), where he currently performs all types of interventions within the category of Cosmetic Surgery.
Specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Provincial Hospital of Castellón and the Hospital 9 de Octubre in Valencia.
Cosmetic surgery is a part of plastic and reconstructive surgery that aims to correct and/or modify body and/or facial disproportions, with the purpose of bringing them closer to the sociocultural beauty parameters, or in other words, it is in charge of improving the appearance of certain parts of the body through surgical procedures.
Thus in cosmetic surgery it is common to treat healthy patients, who do not present any disease but have the desire to improve some of their physical characteristics, while in reconstructive surgery there is usually a pathological process as the origin of the need for surgery (for example, a tumor, trauma, etc.).
However, the differences between cosmetic surgery and reconstructive and reparative surgery are sometimes imperceptible, because many cosmetic surgery procedures come to solve a pathology that affects a function, not simply treat aesthetic problems.
On the other hand, cosmetic surgery procedures are based on techniques developed and used in reconstructive surgery, so they are disciplines that evolve together.
Finally, remember the difference between and “Aesthetic Surgery” and “Aesthetic Medicine”.
Aesthetic surgery as such can only be performed by a graduate in “Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery”, and this is due to the fact that the performance of this profession requires a long and complex training: in addition to completing 6 years of the Degree in Medicine, it is an indispensable requirement to specialize in “Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery” as MIR (Medical Intern Resident) for a further 5 years.
This specialty is one of the specialties with the highest cut-off score in the MIR exam due to the high demand and the shortage of available training places.
Cosmetic Surgery interventions must be performed by a qualified surgeon, and patients are advised to check if their surgeon is in possession of the title of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeon, approved in Spanish Territory.
On the other hand, “Aesthetic Medicine” tries to improve the body appearance but exclusively using NON- SURGICAL treatments and techniques, such as filler injections, peelings, radiofrequency, laser, etc.
The training is totally different and more limited in the second case, since in order to practice “Aesthetic Medicine” it is not necessary to have a Surgical Specialty; a Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine complemented with courses or a Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Medicine is usually sufficient.