Repairs piercing holes and dilatations

Repairs piercing holes and dilatations

Is it possible to remove piercing marks and dilatations? It is a question that more and more of our patients ask in the plastic and aesthetic surgery office. The answer is yes, there is a surgical repair option, which not only completely closes this hole, but also makes it practically imperceptible.

But why do we find these marks so annoying? Although these holes are sometimes very small, they leave a shaded mark that makes them very visible to the eye. And in the case of dilations, the effect is very striking.

For both small piercings and large dilatations, there is the possibility of repairing the mark with a very simple technique that I will explain.

piercing and dilatations


Correcting and restoring the marks left by piercings and dilatations is a very simple, fast and comfortable practice for the patient. The result will always be satisfactory and will restore the original appearance of the damaged area.

Below I explain in each case, piercing and dilations, how exactly this procedure is performed.


In order to correct the piercing marks, it is necessary to remove the surface layer of tissue from the hole of the old piercing .

Let’s say that the tissue surrounding that orifice is an impermeable epithelium that will never close or heal on its own. Therefore, we must selectively delete it and then close it. In this way the initial orifice behaves as a new wound (caused by our surgical action) and will be able to heal. The important point is to perform a delicate and precise resection of the epithelium that covers the orifice, otherwise inclusion cysts could be generated or fail to heal.

A quick 20-minute procedure.

This is a quick procedure (approximately 20 minutes), comfortable for the patient as he/she will not suffer any discomfort or pain. It is simply performed under local anesthesia and can treat eyebrow, eyebrow, lip, navel, navel, ear piercing holes… and countless other locations .

As for the result, we will replace that uncomfortable hole for the patient with a small scar, which is very aesthetically superior since the scar, after a few months, will match the surrounding skin tone. On the other hand, the scar will be flat and regular, and will not show that “sunken” or shadowed area.

Recovery is immediate, no rest as such is required, but simply basic wound care. The stitches will be removed after 7 days.


Dilatations in lobules or other anatomical areas leave as sequelae large thinned lobules, relatively poorly vascularized (sometimes the skin is stretched so much that these tissues suffer greatly and become very weak).

The most common case of repair is lobe dilation, although these techniques can be used in other areas of the body. It is always necessary to approach each case individually as sometimes it will be necessary to discard a small part of the tissue to reconstruct the lobe. In this case, the scar corresponds to the flap design used, although in general they are very grateful scars that in a few months are imperceptible (and of course much more discreet than the dilation of the lobe).

A procedure that ranges from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on whether it is one dilation or several.

This procedure is also performed under local anesthesia and its duration will depend on the specific case, from 30 to 60 minutes, and depending on whether it is a single dilation or several. Recovery is immediate, does not require rest as such, and the stitches are usually removed after 7-10 days.

Repairing piercing marks and dilatations is something very simple that will help you to return to the original point of the affected area. If this is your case and you want more information, please contact me. The first consultation is free of charge.