25 Mar The botox and fillers phenomenon and its successful expansion among millennials
Plastic and aesthetic surgery is a specialty in continuous change and development. And not only because of the constant updating of techniques, instruments and materials, but also because the type of patients and procedures demanded change over time.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the use of Botox and fillers has seen a large increase in the 20-35 age group. This age group corresponds to the famous “millennials” or generation “Y”, that generation born in the 80s and 90s, and rather than being defined by a specific chronology, this generation has as a common denominator that has been able to adapt easily and quickly to the changes around them. It is the generation that has lived the technological and computer revolution around it with the greatest intensity, in which the new lifestyle impregnated by technology has been developed, with hyperconnection, interactivity and exposure to the world through the networks.

Why do millennials tend to use more botox and fillers than ever before?
A prominent increase in demand for these procedures has been observed in the 19-34 age group, an increase of up to 41% between 2011 and 2015, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery . And all indications are that this is due to several factors that have led to this increase.
- It is the “selfie” generation, the generation of social networks, the generation of “likes”, the generation that finds gratification in “followers” or measuring the impact produced by the files they share, usually photos or videos that refer to their own life and physical appearance. This is the generation that is constantly taking pictures of themselves, they see themselves continuously on the screen of their cell phone, computer, social networks… This trend encourages millennials to have among their main concerns their appearance to the outside world.
- Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery procedures are becoming more and more socially accepted. And even more so when the maxim of plastic and aesthetic surgery has to be the achievement of a natural and harmonious result, in accordance with the patient’s physiognomy. Nowadays, the use of plastic and cosmetic surgery is considered as another means to contribute to personal wellbeing and improve one’s appearance, and it is less and less frequent for patients to hide the fact that they have undergone cosmetic procedures from their relatives, as was the case a few years ago.
- The mechanism of action of Botox is increasingly better understood, and it is known that in addition to treating and improving established wrinkles, it can help prevent them. Millennials, a younger age group, mostly use it to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Classically, Botox was demanded by older age groups, whose objective was to correct the effects of aging and established wrinkles.
- The concern for physical appearance in today’s increasingly demanding society, which also includes more and more men, in fact it is estimated that the male population that demands cosmetic surgery treatments is around 10-15%, and it is increasing.

Mechanism of action of Botox and its effects:
- Botox or botulinum toxin produces temporary muscle paralysis. Its effect lasts from 4 to 6 months, depending on the characteristics of each patient. Its correct application reduces frown lines, forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, slightly raises the corners of the mouth and softens chin wrinkles. One of the most sought-after effects is the elevation of the eyebrows and their correct definition, with an arched shape in women and a slightly straighter shape in men, always preserving the naturalness and harmony of each face.
- In young people, expression wrinkles are usually dynamic (i.e., they appear when we gesture and disappear at rest). However, as we age, dynamic expression wrinkles generate changes at the dermal and epidermal level, permanent furrows appear, they go from being simply dynamic to being static, and are present even at rest. Botox applied to young people prevents the appearance of dynamic wrinkles in the short term and prevents the appearance of permanent or static wrinkles in the long term.
- It is a simple procedure although it must be performed by a well-trained and experienced professional, preferably a plastic surgeon, and in a clinic with adequate hygienic and sanitary conditions. The quality of the product is key if we want a really good result that lasts over time. Low-cost packs, treatments in hairdressing salons, spas, etc. should be distrusted, as the quality of the product administered and the execution of the procedure can be seriously questioned.
Facial fillers or “fillers”.
These products, which we have discussed and will discuss in future posts, are products that plump, enhance, even out, and improve overall facial appearance. They are used especially on lips, cheeks, malar area, dark circles, deep wrinkles, etc.
Finally, the use of botulinum toxin and fillers are increasingly spreading among the young or “millennial” generation. It may be a fad brought about by new technologies, selfies, etc. or a combination of factors that make young people increasingly aware of their image and seek to improve it and/or delay aging. In any case, its effects leave no one indifferent.
If you want more information about this procedure, do not hesitate to contact me, you can find me at:
Hospital 9 d’Octubre. Consultation 22.
Contact: info@dravillaverde.com, phone 684148979
Dr. María Eloísa Villaverde Doménech, Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.