Tips to enjoy the snow and still take care of yourself

Tips to enjoy the snow and still take care of yourself

Fans of white sports are in luck with the latest snowfall. Now it’s time to enjoy, but without forgetting about our skin and body. So here are a few tips on how to take care of yourself during a snowy getaway:

1. Moisturize your skin:

Dehydration is one of the factors that ages the skin the most. Cold weather and wind dehydrate the skin intensely, causing dryness and tightness, and even flaking. Therefore, you should not forget to moisturize it with a nourishing cream before and after being exposed to these factors.

2. Use a high sun protection factor.

Snow reflects 80% of solar radiation, one of the main causes of premature skin aging. On the other hand, the higher the altitude, the more UV radiation we receive. It is important that the protector has filters for UV-A UV-B and IR-A radiation. It should be applied 30 minutes before exposure and renewed every 2 hours for the duration of the activity.

3. Be especially careful on cloudy days.

These days is when we do not perceive so much light. However, uv radiation continues to exert its harmful effects even when it is cloudy.

4.The most sensitive and exposed skin areas are cheekbones, nose and lips.

In addition to hydration, you can use protective gear such as goggles, goggles, goggles and other protective clothing.

5.Protect your eyes.

UV radiation is also harmful to our eyes, and prolonged exposure can cause problems such as cataracts or retinal damage. It is advisable to equip yourself with a pair of blizzard goggles suitable for the weather conditions, with CE certification and maximum protection level (level 4).

6. Protect other body areas.

With helmet, gloves, sufficient warm clothing, and additional protective gear (knee pads, wrist guards, shin guards, hip pads…).

7. Last but not least, rememberto stretch!!!!

Stretching the muscles after intense physical activity promotes recovery, avoids unnecessary pain, improves joint movement, prepares you for the next day’s activity and is a good source of muscular and mental relaxation.

If you are also a snow lover, remember these simple tips and you will be able to enjoy yourself while taking care of your skin and body, and continue taking care of yourself, there is no excuse for not doing it!
Dr. Mª Eloísa Villaverde
Plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon in Valencia and Castellón.
If you want to contact me, I will be happy to help you., 684148979.